[100%OFF] Learn Nodejs programming from Scratch
Learn Nodejs programming from Scratch
About this Course
JavaScript is the language of the future. JavaScript has come a long way since the days of Netscape. It is now one of the most popular language for the web. As JavaScript allows developer to build both server and client systems using a single language it has become the most sought after technical skill. It provides an easy and elegant way to build robust and scalable web applications.
In our course we bring together the most popular JavaScript technologies in a comprehensive course to provide you an one stop training program. We will start with basic JavaScript and JQuery and will follow it up with Node.js, Node.Js Modules, Express Framework, BackBone.JS, Angular.JS, and Ember.JS.
It is a unique offering from our web development team and will surely benefit anyone interested in web development. You may start this course as a JS novice but will surely come out as a JavaScript Master.
Learning Nodejs Programming has never been so easy. Our online Nodejs Course breaks down the difficult part & makes the course very interactive & practical for you to master. We provide easy learning solutions to become an Industry professional in no time.
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